Thursday, January 3, 2013

laying it down...

January 3rd wasn't what the 1st was... it was messy. unorganized. cluttered. cranky. broken..... yet, it was a grace. Over and over it was grace filled... grace gifted it to me, grace went before me, grace stood beside me, and grace lived in me.. but it was messy... It's as though the dogs sat to long on the couch and the smell from outside lingered in... the socks were on the smelly side and the sheets were winkled from a night of tossing and turning and today was grace filled..January 3rd wasn't quiet like the 1st in the fact the slate didn't seem so clean.... yesterdays dirty laundry stayed in the washer. the clean dishes stayed in the dishwasher while the sink had a load of dirty ones.. january 3rd was messy...

So how do you wake up renewed like you do on the 1st.. how do you stay focused and awake knowing "His Mercy's are new every morning?" It's not the easiest thing to do... to put down yesterday and pick up today.... but what would today look like if I left it... left yesterday at the cross and picked up only what Christ had for me today..

tonight... i count one thousand graces.... tonight.. I lay down today... and ask to be renewed for tomorrow... For tomorrow is a whole new day - FILLED with new graces... new blessings... new gifts..... but If I wake up and have yesterday in my hands..... my hands would be too full to receive todays blessings....

so tonight....tonight I will lay it all down.... tonight I count one thousand blessings and awake up to count one thousand more.


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