Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tis the Season...

It seems the older I get the faster time goes by. I cannot believe it's already December 18, 2010.  The dawn of the new year is before us. A new year. New goals. New vision. A Clean slate.A fresh start. Fresh... Like the smell of a newly cut christmas tree all dazzled in someone's home. Fresh like the apple pie your mom makes. And Fresh like the smell of clean sheets.

The most beautiful part of the New year is that it cannot come with out CHRISTMAS. and so it is the same for our life - We cannot be made new without the coming of the King... In our own life...

He came as a child to live a life and die just for you. So, you can live a life of Freedom. A life made new daily with his promises.

So, tis the season - to remember.. That in order for all things to be made anew - Christ must come first...

The theme of the blog is that every day we have an opportunity to define how our day looks; and It's my prayer this christmas season we don't define it by presents, food, or thinking about how WE can do all things the coming year. Rather - I pray, O it's my sweet prayer for you friend, that you would remember Christ as a child, Christ Risen and Christ coming!

I love you each.

Merry Christmas,


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