Interesting enough, my dad introduced me to the MaryKay opportunity. It was while he was building a home for a National Sales Director with MaryKay that he realized the company was legit and truly a way for women to have a job that provides choices. Little did I know that the Lord would bring this "MaryKay" business back around to me.
Home built for NSD
Erin West & Me at Seminar
It wasn't to long after the home was built that my youth pastor's beautiful wife at the time invited me to my first meeting to receive a facial. I won't forget, leaning over to her asking if I really had to take off all of my makeup. It was after the facial that I was introduce to a lady who was sharp, completely fun and sassy too. She told me that for only $100 I too could start my own Marykay business... Except for me, I had to wait till I was 18.... So... On my 18th Birthday, I became a Mary Kay Independent Beauty consultant..
But first, why would I want to be a Marykay Beauty Consultant?
Me and Christy at Seminar
For me, it was about having a platform to be in women's life's and through cosmetics remind them of there beauty in Christ. That was, and is still my mission statement for my business. It was about providing women with the skills and information they needed to know how to take care of there skin; so that they might feel confident and treasure how God made them. Being a Beauty Consultant is just a door that opens itself up to helping women understand there beauty comes from within.
Me and Sharon viewing New Products not available to the public.
It's also, about a group of women that I consider to be like family. That "youth pastor's wife" is Erin West, who was and is a dear woman of God who has taught me about what a beautiful women inside and out looks like. And the "sharp, completely fun and sassy lady", is Christy Bigham. A woman whom I love and treasure her friendship and wisdom. A woman whom I look up to an cannot wait to wear her shoes as a Sr. Director and one day National. Not to forget the many sisters that I get together weekly with and am encouraged and spurred on. the Lady on the right is Sharon Smith. She is a sweet angel in our group whose presence speaks Jesus to us all.
Bigham Future National Area
Being a Beauty consultant is learning to run your own business. Which I can't say i've always done well; however, 5 years later they still haven't fired me. Being a beauty consultant though is a business, you work it - you see it grow; you take advantage of it - it will wilt away.
Me and Sharon at Seminar
Free Caddilic * I cannot wait drive* Soon just not soon enough.,
It's about skincare, cosmetics and lots of girl time. It's about recognition, prizes and more prizes. It's about a company that rewards women for a job well done and gives women a reason to work even harder. It's learning to become a better woman; a woman of her word and true to her commitments. It's about being a woman who knows how to plan her day and work her plan. How to run a business that doesn't overtake your life or jack up your priorities. I love that Marykay's mission is still about God first, family second, and career third - and they MEAN IT.. From Marykay grandson to our unit in lubbock - we still hold that value.. I would add that it's not even that it's 1. God 2. Family 3 career as it's is GOD IN ALL THINGS and ALL TIMES and out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. I have the choice to be with my family and work a business. I don't work for someone who tells me "so sorry, you can't have Friday's off just because your husband get's off at noon. No, Friday's are our day and we take it easy. I set my schedule... I get to meet people in a way that is comfortable to me with no sales quotas or a certain number that I must meet every month or quarter.
Christy Bigham walking across stage in recognition of driving Free with Marykay
Mary Kay is about having amazing customers who are loyal to the product and to us, the consultant. I have some of the most amazing customers. I have also been able to reconnect with women whom I may have never had reason to reconnect with. I love that I was able to facial my 5th grade math teacher and now I have the opportunity to work side by side as she too saw how awesome this company is. I get to reconnect with sisters in christ that I at one time went to church with and teach young women how to put on makeup and the reason why we take care of our skin at a girls retreat. It's about living outside of my self and my own little world and connect with women all around me. It's about meeting my neighbors that I may have never reached out and met.
Me and Evylan - "Adopt a Grandmother Valentine Project"
One of my favorite reasons for because being a Beauty Consultant is the giving heart the company ask us all to have. From the way I run my own business to the way the Corporate is, we are about giving back. Corporate is always raising money for cancer as well as domestic violence and this quarter we are reaching out and as a whole giving one million hours of service to communities around the world. Our valentines "Adopt a grandmother" was just the start of many more ways we personally plan on reaching out to our Lubbock community. It's something we can't do alone, it's a project we must include everyone in on, and I must say; that's the most exciting part about it. IT's about dreaming big and allowing God to bring together 200 gifts to give grandmothers and grandfathers in our community when we were scared to ask for 70. It's about wanting MUCH MORE, in our community, in ourselves and in the lives of all those around us. And speaking of giving, the company is having a "Get beautiful, Give back" Makeover contest. It's a chance for 3 Grand Prize winners to receive $2,500 visa gift card and $5,000 to give to a charity of your choice. I would LOVE To enter 100 women into this contest. If you know me, I want to be able to give back to our Lubbock community. If you would like to be entered, leave a comment or contact me.
Marykay Sisters at the "Adopt a Grandmother Valentines Party"
As you can see, Marykay isn't about selling a lipstick it's truly about something much bigger than I can even put into words. The past 5 years of being in this business has truly had it's up's and downs, however, one thing is certain, I have never believed more in the company than I do now. On the break of celebrating 50 years, the company has exciting things in the works, from skin care to giving out thousands of dollars to women to turn around and give back the community. The company isn't going anywhere, bad economy and all. I'm excited about days and years to come in such a company that believes in enriching women's lives, deeper than the eye can see.
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