Sunday, December 30, 2012

Redefine Our Today

Grace... Just as I was saying. The lord has been shedding so much grace into my life lately. I wrote my last post, "whispers of Love," and after reading it several times - I wanted to barf. I still want to barf...not because the grammar in that post is one on the 1st grade level (thats pretty normal), or because anything in the post is that far off... but rather, because  I finally saw what 2012 really was..

I'm an honest gal... 2012 has been really hard... really good - but really hard.. For many reasons, none of which I am going into now, but the funny thing is - I could list them all out but the true reason it was hard is not because hard things happened but because my focus was in the wrong place.

I don't regret any accomplishment, trip we took, place we went, things we did or person I met. or even tshirt I bought.. I regret my heart behind it..

I thank God for the grace he has given me to see things a bit differently and am so excited about the new year... the new day.... I'm not saying it won't be hard... but it will be good - because I know He is GOOD... I know He holds all things together.... and I know HE works all things together..

Sometimes it's not dramatic things that need to change - we just need to shift our focus.... we need to redefine our today.

"The Lord will Fight for you, you need only to be Still" - Exodus 14:14


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